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Cozmo Travel

Cozmo Travel

HQ - Rolla, Sharjah, United States

Travel & Tourism
About Cozmo Travel

Launched in January 2010 with a vision to offer customized travel solutions for both independent and corporate travelers, Cozmo Travel LLC has fast established a name for itself within the region. With a complete range of world-class products and consultancy services that support businesses and individuals alike, Cozmo Travel reflects the perfect blend of global expertise and local knowledge. Right from travel planning to ticketing services, hotel bookings, visa processing and organizing activities such as excursions and safaris, Cozmo Travel has succeeded in redefining the role of the travel consultant. A member of the Air Arabia Group, Cozmo Travel LLC commenced its operations as a full-fledged IATA certified travel agency on 26 May, 2010 in Sharjah. Cozmo Travel currently holds a portfolio of 39 branches in the GCC with 37 branches operating out of the UAE, seven branches in Saudi Arabia, three in Qatar, two in Kuwait and one in Bahrain. With our rapid expansion plans, this count will continue to grow. In addition to offering our own host of travel management solutions, we are also the fulfillment partner for Air Arabia Holidays and handle the operations for 28 of Air Arabia’s ticketing sales shops, including city check-in facilities, in the region. We take pride in expanding our network including Air Arabia sales shops to more than 67 branches in five countries within a span of only five years.

Active/Inactive Active
CIN U63090MH2015PTC261797
Headquater Rolla, Sharjah, United States
Office Location Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Incorporation Year 2010(14 yrs old)
Industry Travel & Tourism
Company Employees 501-1000
Avg Revenue $ 100 - 500M
Phone Number 971 600 524444
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